Name: Wilson W Scott Jr.
First Name(s): Wilson W
Last Name: Scott Jr.
Place of birth: Missouri, Buchanan Cnty, Saint Joseph
Rank: 2 Lt Co-Pilot
ASN: O-769568
Company: 95th T Car Sqdrn
Unit: 440th Troop Carrier Grp 9th USAAF
Reported as: MIA ► POW ► RTD
Date of incident: 27-12-1944
Place of incident: Sibret area
His story: On December 27, 1944, Webb crew took off with Douglas SKYTRAIN C-47A-80-DL, #43-15084 from the airstrip at Châteaudun, France.
Just before going into the Landing Zone (LZ) Squadron Pilot 2 Lt Luther J Lizana saw that the airplane of Capt Wilton C Smith was the first one to be hit. The ship of 1 Lt Stanley J Zdun was the next one, continued to descend straight ahead and 2 parachutes came from this airplane.
Pilot 1 Lt Robert J Webb stated that his plane was hit by FLAK. The left engine caught on fire and the elevators were shot out, which caused the crash landing in a field to the left of its course.
Together with Co-Pilot 2 Lt Wilson W Scott and Radio Operator S/Sgt Tony F Ferrucci, 1 Lt Robert Webb was picked up by Germans as soon as they left the airplane. The plane was burning when they were taken away. 1 Lt Webb was taken to a hospital for treatment for burns received when extracting the Co-Pilot from the ship. 2 Lt Scott had a broken leg and S/Sgt Ferrucci had no injuries. Later that day the crewmembers were separated.
Crew Chief T/Sgt Lawrence P Marsh was possibly knocked out or so injured by the crash that he did not manage to bail out of the burning plane.
2 Lt Wilson W Scott Jr was imprisoned in Stalag III-B Furstenburg, Brandenburg, Prussia, Germany.
MACR: 11315
Operation: REPULSE
Destination: Bastogne, Belgium
Mission: Glider Tow
Unit history of 440th Troop Carrier Group
Extra Link(s)
POW record