Name: Wilmer S Weber
First Name(s): Wilmer S
Last Name: Weber
Place of birth: Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Cnty, Philadelphia
Rank: 2 Lt Navigator
ASN: O-701354
Company: 95th T Car Sqdrn
Unit: 440th Troop Carrier Grp 9th USAAF
Reported as: MIA ► POW ► RTD
Date of incident: 27-12-1944
Place of incident: Mande-Saint-Étienne
His story: On December 27, 1944, Morton crew took off with Douglas SKYTRAIN C-47A-75-DL, #42-100906 from the airstrip at Châteaudun, France.
Just before going into the Landing Zone (LZ) Capt David Morton’s airplane was hit bij FLAK and started to climb with glider still in tow. There is stated that 2 crewmembers managed to bail out of the airplane because one saw 2 parachutes coming out of the latter plane.
2 Lt Wilmer S Weber was taken POW and was at first imprisoned in Stalag XIII-D Nuremburg (Oflag 73), Bavaria 49-11, Germany. After transfer he was released from Stalag VII-A Moosburg, Bavaria 48-12 (Work Camps 3324-46 Krumbachstrasse 48011, Work Camp 3368 Munich 48-11), Germany.
MACR: 11317
Operation: REPULSE
Destination: Bastogne, Belgium
Mission: Glider Tow
Unit history of 440th Troop Carrier Group
Extra Link(s)
POW record