Name: Walter G Henry
First Name(s): Walter G
Last Name: Henry
Place of birth: Louisiana,
Rank: Sgt Crew Chief
ASN: 34230967
Company: C Btry
Unit: 440th FAB 7th AD
Reported as: MIA
Date of incident: 23-12-1944
Place of incident: Provedroux area
His story: Sgt Walter G Henry was presumably killed by a high explosive (HE) with Pvt Guadagno and Pvt Amrhine.
Sgt Henry was in the turret of the M-7 in which Pvt Amrhine and Guadagno were riding when the vehicle was directly hit by a large mortar. It caught fire instantaneously and within 5 minutes the load and ammunition was exploding. The chassis and engine were burning fiercely. After C Battery has left the scene, it was not impossible to return in the area to investigate the damages and casualties incurred as the position was overrun and held by German troops.
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