Name: Rudolph “Rudi” Frisch
First Name(s): Rudolph “Rudi”
Last Name: Frisch
Place of birth: Germany,
Rank: Pfc
ASN: 36890648
Company: K
Unit: 423rd IR 3rdBn 106th ID
Reported as: POW ► DNB
Date of incident: 21-12-1944
Place of incident: Schönberg area
note: On December 21, 1944 Pfc Rudolph Frisch was taken POW and imprisoned in Stalag IV-B Mühlberg, Landkreis Elbe-Elster, Brandenburg, Germany. Later transported to KZ-Außenlager Birkhahn-Mötzlich, near Halle (Saale), Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany.
On March 31, 1945, Pfc Frisch was killed during an Allied air raid on the city of Halle, Germany. The raid was very big and most of the city was demolished, resulting in more than 20,000 casualties. For weeks the dead were taken out of the buildings and buried in wooden boxes without any regard to nationality. Investigation after the war couldn’t locate his grave.
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