Name: Robert E Kuenzi
First Name(s): Robert E
Last Name: Kuenzi
Place of birth : Wisconsin,
Rank: 2 Lt Forward Observer
ASN: O-543041
Company: C
Unit: 87th ChM Bn
Reported as: KIA
Date of incident: 11-01-1945
Place of incident: Petite-Langlire
His story: On January 11, 1945 Company C fired 78 rounds of H(igh)E(xplosives) and 114 rounds of 4.2″ Chemical Mortars W(hite)P(hosphorus). An observed smoke screen was placed on the north edge of Petite Langlir (P6583) to support an attack by 2ndBn 329th IR 83rd ID on the town. Then both HE and WP for casualty effect were placed on the town itself. At approximately 1600 an enemy mortar shell made a direct hit into the hole, vicinity of Petite Langlir, occupied by the forward observer 2 Lt Robert E Kuenzi and his Radio Operator Pfc Norman W Schwartz. Both men were killed instantly.
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