Name: Nello F Fiorio
First Name(s): Nello F
Last Name: Fiorio
Place of birth: Massachusetts, Suffolk Cnty, Boston
Rank: 2 Lt Navigator
ASN: O-2068989
Company: 323rd Bomb Sqdrn
Unit: 91st Bomber Grp (H) 8th USAAF
Reported as: KIA
Date of incident: 14-01-1945
Place of incident: Wincrange area (Lux)
note: Aircraft Boeing type B-17G-100-BO Fortress #43-38911 “Bull Session”;
Flew over the front lines on the way to the target, altitude approximately 20,000 feet, when aircraft B-17 Flying Fortress “Bull Session” received a direct hit by FLAK on the nose section. The nose section was blown off back as far as the pilot’s compartment. The aircraft immediately went out of control and nosed downward in a vertical dive. No smoke or flames were visible. The aircraft dropped about 10,000 feet.
One crewmember, Sgt James D “Jim” Buescher, managed to leave the aircraft by parachute.
Destination: Cologne, Germany
Mission: Bombardment
MACR: 11772
History of 91st Bombardment Group
Extra Link(s)
Meyer Crew | 323rd Squadron
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