Name: John H French
First Name(s): John H
Last Name: French
Place of birth: Missouri, St. Clair Cnty,
Rank: Cpl
ASN: 37145415
Unit: 174th FAB
Reported as: DNB
Date of incident: 04-03-1945
Place of incident: Manderfeld
His story: On the return from a direct fire mission, while negotiating an icy stretch of road about 1,000 yards east of Manderfeld, Belgium, the gun driven by Tec4 Donald R. Schoewe skidded on the ice, and before the gun crew could jump to safety it slipped off the road and rolled down an embankment.
Pfc James W. Akins, Pfc Robert O. Collum, Pfc Clarence Jackson and Cpl John H. French were killed instantly.
S/Sgt Richard W. Sudbrink and Tec5 Elmer L. Lehmkuhl were injured and had to be evacuated to the hospital.