Name: James L “Jimmy” Clarkson
First Name(s): James L “Jimmy”
Last Name: Clarkson
Place of birth: New Jersey, Monmouth Cnty, Belmar
Rank: Capt Company Commander
ASN: O-379961
Company: D
Unit: 423rd IR 2ndBn 106th ID
Reported as: MIA ► KIA
Date of incident: 19-12-1944
Place of incident: Sankt Vith area
His story: On December 19, 1944, by daylight, 1st and 2nd Battalion were moved into positions in rear of 3rd Battalion, 423rd Infantry Regiment. All efforts to establish contact with the 422nd Infantry Regiment on the right failed. At 08.30 Hours Battalion Commanders were assembled and orders issued for the attack on Schönberg at 10.00 Hours. At 09.30 Hours heavy artillery concentrations started falling on the entire Regimental area. This heavy German artillery fire mortally wounded Lt Col William H Craig and killed Company Commanders Captain James L Clarkson, Co. D and Captain James H Hardy, Co. M.
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