Name: Dennis H Duncan
First Name(s): Dennis H
Last Name: Duncan
Place of birth: Pennsylvania, Cambria Cnty, Colver
Rank: 1 Lt Pilot
ASN: O-810637
Company: 492nd F Sqdrn
Unit: 48th Fighter Grp 9th USAAF
Reported as: KIA
Date of incident: 27-12-1944
Place of incident: Les Tailles area
His story: Aircraft Republic THUNDERBOLT type P-47D-28-RA #42-28537 took off from Saint-Trond (Sint-Truiden), Belgium, on December 27, 1944.
1Lt Dennis H Duncan was leading Yellow Fligh. Burst of heavy flak explode between Lt. Duncan and his #2 wing man, 2Lt Robert R. Hutto. Almost immediately, Lt. Duncan called that he had been hit in the canopy, and that he would jettison his bombs and return to base. He remained in the area however, orbiting for about three or four minutes, then jettisoned his bombs and started for base, accompanied by his #2 wing man. He had only gone a few seconds when his wing man called for him to get out, that his plane was burning. Lt Duncan’s plane started slowly down, then almost straight, as if out of control. The plane crashed and exploded in the woods.
Unfortunately Lt Duncan didn’t managed to bail out.
Destination: Targets at Sankt Vith area, Belgium
Mission: Armed Reconnaissance
MACR: 11491
Unit history of 48th Fighter Group
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